From Trash to Treasure
Group Lonneke, Gamin, Kaia en Monica

Monica: branch
Kaia: spoon
Gamin: lavastone
Lonneke: plastic fruit drink package
While biking from my work to my home I saw this object several times. Every time I was wondering is it still there? Once I pick it up an give it a place in my garden. After a while of some months I decided to make it a bit smaller so it really looks like a leg and a foot. So you can see it in the photograph. Do you agree? It is my object giving in the process of this april week of PMDI.
I changed her place in my room. Like a part of a person. From Trash to Treasure
In a chair sitting widely open hanging on a roof seeing many forms and also her shadow
A leg and a foot reminds me of movement, what is very important in daily life.
When there is movement there is changement. Changement is elementary of growth in many ways.
To share with others Lonneke, Gamin and Kaia makes it, the more importancy for me
During a walk thursday, I found this branch and put in on a undergroud. My favorite colour of autonomy. The shadow speaks again more for me then the original form. There is an enormous movement in it, I love. To share things like the branches and receive comments like a love the combination the branch and the colour of Kaia, cheers me up.
From Trash to Treasure.
Made up of literature written by Bohm: Being open. To transfer information or knowledge from one to another in the most accurate way possible. Creating something new together. Being alert and attentive. Letting go of your own reservations, criticism, blockage or resistance.
Dialogues with Movement and sound
Take turns making a movement.
Nr 1 makes a movement in repeating the movement
The others imitate that movement also repeating
nr 2 transforms it into his own movement in repeating
The others imitate that movement in repeating, nr 3 transforms it into his own movement in repeating
The others imitate that movement in repeating, nr 4 transforms it into his own movement and a sound in repeating
The others imitate that movement and the sound facial No. 1 transforms it into his own movement and sound etc. etc.
In this way, everyone has a turn with his / her movement and sound in repeating and the transformation as a reaction, etc.
An intervention can be make it bigger or smaller do it together with your neighbour….(is this also possible online?)
Possible questions: What is the meaning and experience of this exercice .
Dialogues with drawing of points, lines and shapes and your own story
Everyone has a paper and drawing row in front of him. The first puts a point, line or shape. Everyone imitates this on their own paper.
The second completes with a point, line or shape. And everyone does that on his own paper.
The third completes with point, line or shape. And everyone does that on his own paper.
The fourth puts a point, line or shape on his paper. Everyone imitates this on their own paper.
Then everyone completes their own drawing by adding points, lines, shapes and connecting the whole as they see fit.
Then show time.
Possible questions: What is the meaning and experience of this exercice .
This is my drawing in the end.
I was wonderd seeing a foot and a leg? Lots of movement in the drawing. It is an collaboration. In the beginning it is a collaboration of the four of us. Then making it complete for the moment, by me
It was very nice and fruitfull working together. So different, unique, open and willing all together. A beautiful proces from propositions. There is nothing, no good and no fault and therefore there are endless possibilities to go on…..
Being, experiencing a part of a whole group of the four of us, feeling whole in being a part.

The objects , stories and drawings of Lonneke Kaia and Gamin are even more interesting and beautiful and telling me what propositions can do about listening and understanding in a group and give a special meaning for the individuals in the group and the group as a whole. It is me lightening up that there is so much possible in uniqueness and the differences’s of each other’s life and meeting in that. We are moving together in our selfes, to each other and so on. In that movement includes the changement we need in life to participate in life with our potency.
Movement is changement and working with Propositions can be the motor of that movement and changement.
Movement is changement and working with Art can be the motor of that movement and changement.
Propositions giving art education endless possibilities to move…..
Propositions giving education endless possibilities to move…..

From baby to elderly we move from crawl to stand up en walk, ren and again walk…..
to start in a very safe small place, to experiencing the world bigger and further away , to the sky is the limit and going back to …… That’s life every body in its own different unique way

-We don’t stop playing becausewe grow old, we grow old because we stop playing…..-
Make a comic, a puzzle, a story, a poet or whatever out of the four drawings
Participants blog Helsinki 2021

Propositions April 2021 - click to open